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Tuesday, 20 June 2006

And the laziness ensues

Well at least it didn't get to a month without being updated.

Pretty much the reason I haven't been updating is because A) summer has made me even lazier (didn't see that one coming...) and B) I've been playing waaaaay too much WoW. But who am I kidding; you can never have enough WoW.

Anyway, I've recently been trying to get into the endgame raiding guild that a buddy of mine is in. Unfortunately for me I'm going to be needing alot of fire resist gear to make the cut... Which means Upper Blackrock Spire, here I come; about 1000 times. I don't know how much sense that made to any of you out there.

I really need to cut back on the warcrack...

- Ron

Posted by Ron at 2:18 PM PDT
Friday, 26 May 2006

Something New

Im starting a new story arc here. The metal gear one kind of collapsed... mostly due to laziness. This one should be good.

I also updated the pics for the cast page. I tried to blend the pics in with the color of the main page, and I think it turned out pretty well.

Stay tuned for the next parts of the arc

- Ron

Posted by Ron at 12:01 AM PDT
Tuesday, 23 May 2006

I seem to be getting worse

Hi there. Its Tuesday now, and this is the first new comic I've done in, oh... about a week and a half. Like the title says, I seem to be getting worse at updating LFG. This thread delivers.

Anywho, with summer coming up, I'm going to be coming into a nice amount of free time (hopefully), which means that I'll be able to pay more attention to LFG.

I's also planning to be adding some bios to the cast page. Lets just hope that I'm not too lazy in doing that too.

- Ron

Posted by Ron at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 10 May 2006

Wish I was there

Alright, i know its about 2 days late, but what are you gonna do. I've been busy with this and that... namely testing. And just as a heads up, I might not be able to update on time for quite some time. But I'm sure all of my loyal fans won't be too mad... especially considering you guys dont even number in the double digits... /sigh.

Anyway, its time for a rant. and as you might be able to tell from the new comic, Its going to be about... *drum roll*. Metal Gear 4. Surprise, surprise.

After seeing the trailer at E3, I'm really excited. Hell, I might even be willing to plop down the 600 big ones for a PS3 now just so I can feel the tactical espionage action again. But all my fan boy giggles aside, the metal gear trailer was simply amazing. Graphics, sweet (convoluted) story hooks, recuring characters... Snake. Its got everything I want. And in the Hideo-style, its pretty ambiguous, which needless to say, is making my jowels water for the story. We'll all be able to see it in 2007, so I'll have to stave off dying until then.

- Ron

Posted by Ron at 6:24 PM PDT
Tuesday, 2 May 2006

Ok. So I lied

Remember how I said that I'd be doing fillers for the next few strips? Yeah, well I lied. Sorry if anyone really got their hopes up about it. For you i will play the world's smallest violin.

*eeeeee eee e e e eeee eeeeeeeee*

Now that that's over, its time to talk about something totally different. E3. *buh-dum-chhhhh*. But seriously though, its been getting to me. I would just kill to go this year, as you probably have already guessed. Like... think about the biggest number you could possibly imagine... now square it and that's how may people i would kill to go to E3. And that'd be a warm up. But then again if I really did kill that many people, there probably wouldn't be anyone left to make the games and hand me swag. Equivalent exchange, I guess. No matter. Enjoy the new LFG story arc starting... now.

- Ron

Posted by Ron at 12:01 AM PDT

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