Ok. So I lied
Remember how I said that I'd be doing fillers for the next few strips? Yeah, well I lied. Sorry if anyone really got their hopes up about it. For you i will play the world's smallest violin.
*eeeeee eee e e e eeee eeeeeeeee*
Now that that's over, its time to talk about something totally different. E3. *buh-dum-chhhhh*. But seriously though, its been getting to me. I would just kill to go this year, as you probably have already guessed. Like... think about the biggest number you could possibly imagine... now square it and that's how may people i would kill to go to E3. And that'd be a warm up. But then again if I really did kill that many people, there probably wouldn't be anyone left to make the games and hand me swag. Equivalent exchange, I guess. No matter. Enjoy the new LFG story arc starting... now.
- Ron
Posted by Ron
at 12:01 AM PDT